John B Prins — ASN Events

John Prins

Mater Research Institute - UQ, QLD, Australia

Professor John Prins is an active clinician-scientist, a key opinion leader in diabetes and endocrinology in Australia and sits on numerous national and international scientific, clinical and educational committees and boards for the National Health and Medical Research Council, nongovernment organisations and industry, including as a Director of the Mater Foundation. John undertook his clinical training in endocrinology in Brisbane and then completed a PhD in adipose tissue biology at the University of Queensland. His first post-doctoral research appointment was at the University of Cambridge, UK, based at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. He returned to Brisbane in 1998 after being awarded a Welcome International Senior Research Fellowship. As Chair of the Centre of Health Research on the Princess Alexandra Hospital campus from 2005 to 2009, he coordinated campus-wide research strategy, fostered research, facilitated the recruitment of researchers to the campus, and integrated research and clinical activities. He has an ongoing clinical appointment as Senior Staff Endocrinologist at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. In 2009 John was appointed Chief Executive and Director of the Mater Medical Research Institute. John has substantial commercialisation experience, holds three international patents and was founder and scientific director of a biotech company — Adipogen Pty Ltd. John is actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and training, and has ongoing research interests in obesity and diabetes. He is Professor of Endocrinology at the University of Queensland and has over 140 publications with over 10,000 citations.