Glenn McConell — ASN Events

Glenn McConell

Victoria University, VIC, Australia

Prof Glenn McConell has worked at the Institute for Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL) at Victoria University since February 2010 following 15 years in the Departments of Physiology at Monash University and the University of Melbourne. He is the Research Leader in Exercise Science at ISEAL and also the Leader of the Biomedical and Lifestyle Diseases (BioLED) Faculty Research Unit. His research examines the regulation of skeletal muscle glucose uptake during exercise and the factors regulating the increase in insulin sensitivity and muscle mitochondrial volume following exercise. Over the past couple of years he has also begun examining whether exercise early in life can prevent glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in adult rats that were born small. These studies have relevance for diabetes and indeed Professor McConell has been awarded five NHMRC project grants and several Diabetes Australia Research Trust grants.