Jerry Greenfield
St Vincent's Hospital, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Professor Jerry Greenfield is Head, Department of Endocrinology, and Director, Diabetes Services, St Vincent's Hospital (Sydney). He undertook a PhD at the Garvan Institute (2001-2004) and a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, United Kingdom (2005-2006). His other current positions and roles include: Professor of Medicine, University of NSW; Clinical Associate Dean, St Vincent’s Clinical School, University of NSW; Laboratory Head, Clinical Diabetes, Appetite and Metabolism, Diabetes and Metabolism Division, Garvan Institute; Editor-in-Chief, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Case Reports and Editorial Board member, Clinical Obesity. His recent interests focus on elucidating the molecular basis of insulin resistance by studying humans with insulin-sensitive obesity. He oversees a precision medicine program aimed at determining the ‘omic’ factors that predict maximal effectiveness and safety of diabetes medications in an individual.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Diabetes health-service delivery: The experiences of young adults with Type 1 diabetes. (#355)
2:00 PM
Janice Wiley
ADS Clinical Poster Discussions
Diabetes education: the experiences of young adults with Type 1 diabetes (#356)
2:00 PM
Janice Wiley
ADS Clinical Poster Discussions
Genetic susceptibility to type 2 diabetes influences the impact of obesity on heart rate variability (#316)
1:00 PM
Arthur B Jenkins
ADS Clinical Poster Viewing
What really happens when patients with Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are commenced on insulin –longitudinal changes in HbA1c from initiation to 4 years - from the Australian S4S-DINGO – Diabetes Informatics Group (#79)
4:15 PM
David M Hoffman
ADS Clinical Orals - Therapies
Case series: the effect of bariatric surgery on glycaemic control in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (#336)
1:00 PM
Alice Tang
ADS Clinical Poster Viewing
9:45 AM
Alexander Viardot
ADS Clinical Orals - Complications / Health Care
The Effect of Specialist Referral on HbA1c: Data from the Australian S4S-DINGO – Diabetes Informatics Group (#362)
2:00 PM
Teresa Lam
ADS Clinical Poster Discussions
Measurement of insulin secretion in humans (#30)
12:00 PM
Jerry R Greenfield
ADS Basic Symposium - Techniques to Measure Insulin Resistance and Secretion Mice and Men