Natalie Wischer
National Association of Diabetes Centres, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Natalie has been working in the area of diabetes for the last 20 years which has included 3 years in some of the most remote Aboriginal communities in the country, followed by 15 years in a rural setting. These experiences ignited an interest in how technology can be used to improve and support people living with diabetes, particularly those living in rural and remote regions. She also shares her in-depth knowledge of technology through regular articles in the Diabetes Management Journal and various other publications.
Natalie also has extensive experience as a Quality and Risk Manager and her commitment to quality improvement is a focus she adds to all NADC projects.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Does Dr Google, Dr iPhone and other forms of technology work in diabetes self management? (#103)
11:30 AM
Natalie Wischer
ADS & ADEA Symposium - Can Technology Cure Healthcare's Future?
Not enough time in the day? Must have tips, tricks and technologies to save you time (#165)
10:00 AM
Natalie Wischer
ADS Symposium - Technology 101