Evaluation of the Chronic Condition Self-Management Support On-Line Learning Package — ASN Events

Evaluation of the Chronic Condition Self-Management Support On-Line Learning Package (#18)

Ian Harmer 1 , Garth Kendall 1 , Melanie Burkhart 1
  1. Curtin University, Bentley, WA, Australia

Evaluation of the Chronic Condition Self-Management Support
On-Line Learning Package
I. Harmer, G. Kendall, M. Burkhart
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Curtin University. Perth Western Australia

Background: The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, is creating an unprecedented challenge for healthcare services. A paradigm shift away from an acute model of care towards self-management has proven to be very effective in their management. New programmes, aimed at teaching health professionals the skills required to empower their patients to adopt self-management strategies have been developed. To provide access to a greater number of health professionals, Curtin University, in collaboration with the ADEA and other ADEA accredited universities around Australia, has recently created, implemented and piloted the on-line chronic condition self-management support (CCSMS) teaching resource.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the process of CCSMS implementation and the potential impact it has on participant’s attitudes and confidence.
Method: A pre-post online survey containing validated instruments was employed to measure CCSMS students 'attitudes about patient self-management, confidence in facilitating self management, and level of satisfaction with the programme.
Results: In total, 180 students completed both the pre and post surveys. Overall, attitudes toward patient self-management deteriorated, but confidence in facilitating self-management increased, following completion of the on-line programme. However, attitudes and confidence differed according to participant’s characteristics, such as occupation and type of workplace. Levels of satisfaction with the programme’s structure, processes, and content were reasonably high.
The CCSMS programme is likely to provide health professionals with the necessary skills, and the confidence required, to facilitate patient self-management. These findings support the argument for its inclusion into the chronic disease self-management curricula.