Alternative Methods for Determining Mealtime Insulin Dose — ASN Events

Alternative Methods for Determining Mealtime Insulin Dose (#59)

Kirstine Bell 1
  1. University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Recent research from around the world is revealing the effect of fat and protein on normal insulin release and the implications this has on insulin dosing for type 1 diabetes. 

This symposium will explore this emerging evidence and discuss some of the new strategies being developed and trialed for adjusting mealtime insulin dose based on not just carbohydrate, but also fat and protein in type 1 diabetes.  We will introduce the new Food Insulin Index and the Fat-Protein-Unit (FPU) Counting from the Warsaw Pump Therapy School, exploring these methods and using case studies to demonstrate how these methods could be implemented in practice. 

This research opens up exciting possibilities for the future of type 1 diabetes management, but is still in its infancy.  So we will also consider the implications for you and your clinical practice now.