Tips for Successful Grant Writing — ASN Events

Tips for Successful Grant Writing (#60)

Ruth Colagiuri 1
  1. Menzies Centre for Health Policy, Sydney, NSW, Australia

It is not enough to adopt evidence into practice; practice must also be able to inform evidence. Generating practice-based evidence requires monitoring, evaluation and research on the inputs, structure, models and processes, and outcomes of the services we provide. In the current financial climate the funding and resources needed to undertake such research are limited and access to them is highly competitive. 

The art and science of writing successful grant applications comes more easily to some practitioners than to others. However, everyone can learn improve their chance of attracting grant funding by learning some fundamental strategies for developing and documenting to a clear and compelling case for their research.  This presentation will outline strategies for successful grant writing across five critical the areas: i) formulating a research question; ii) choosing a potential funding source; iii) framing your project for optimal success;  iv) writing the grant application; and v) realistic budgeting. Approaches to positioning yourself for success eg choosing a research team, aligning with funder priorities and prevailing national or local policy imperatives, profiling your capacity to do the work, and making your application reviewer- friendly will also be covered.