Of mice and men: assessing insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in mice — ASN Events

Of mice and men: assessing insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in mice (#31)

Robert Lee-Young 1
  1. Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion can be assessed in a number of different preparations, ranging from cell culture, to isolated tissue preparations, to perfusion models in euthanized animals, to the whole animal. The ability to manipulate the germ-line of the mouse has led to advances in virtually every area of physiology and disease. Coupled with the use of radioactive tracers, in particular glucose analogs to determine whole-body and tissue specific glucose metabolism, the mouse can be a powerful experimental tool to study insulin sensitivity and secretion. However, the small size of the mouse makes stress-free study difficult in the conscious state, a caveat which has been overcome by the implementation of unique methods that have been designed specifically to avoid stress. This presentation will provide an overview of the techniques used to assess insulin sensitivity and secretion in the mouse, with a focus on studies performed in the conscious, unstressed state.