Diabetes Data, Quality, Audit and Benchmarking: [The Rise & Fall of ANDIAB 1993 – 2012] — ASN Events

Diabetes Data, Quality, Audit and Benchmarking: [The Rise & Fall of ANDIAB 1993 – 2012] (#34)

Jeff Flack 1
  1. Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital, Bankstown, NSW, Australia

Initiatives in Audit and Benchmarking in Europe grew out of the deliberations of the St Vincent Declaration in 1989, where Politicians, Health Care Funders and Clinicians met and set targets for improvements in diabetes outcomes, including ‘reducing amputations’ and ‘achieving diabetic pregnancy outcomes similar to women without diabetes’. In order to measure these came the realisation of the need for reliable data, and from this grew a standard European minimum dataset and thence the DIABCARE audit initiative. In Australia we mirrored these measures beginning in 1993 with the development and promulgation of a minimum diabetes dataset with standardised definitions, and in 1998, a ‘pilot’ - ‘proof of concept’ National Audit and Benchmarking activity in Specialist Diabetes Services (Diabetes Centres and Specialist Endocrinologists Rooms) that was successful, and became know as ANDIAB, (Australian National Diabetes Information Audit and Benchmarking). ANDIAB survey collections were then run under the auspice of the NADC and held annually (1999, 2000) thence biennially (2002, 2004, 2006, 2009 & 2011). After a successful ‘pilot’ in 2005, ANDIAB2 (a more ‘patient self care and education’ audit than the ‘medically’ focused ANDIAB) was run in 2010 and 2012. The ‘principles’ of ANDIAB have also been tested in General Practice and Pregnancy & Diabetes settings. Funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing to enable ANDIAB and ANDIAB2 to be run, is gratefully acknowledged.

This presentation will discuss the ‘rise and fall’ of ANDIAB and will also highlight the ‘key learnings’ from the most recent (and last) collection, ANDIAB2 2012.