<em>Keeping the Body in Mind</em>: Early detection and prevention of diabetes in youth with psychosis — ASN Events

Keeping the Body in Mind: Early detection and prevention of diabetes in youth with psychosis (#329)

Simon Rosenbaum 1 , Scott Teasdale 1 , Phil B Ward 2 3 , Jackie Curtis 1 , Katherine Samaras 4 5 , Andrew Watkins 1
  1. Prince of Wales Mental Health, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, Sydney
  2. School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW
  3. Schizophrenia Research Unit, Liverpool Hospital, South Western Sydney Local Health District, Sydney, NSW
  4. Endocrinology, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney
  5. Diabetes and Obesity Program, Garvan Institute, Sydney

Background: People experiencing severe mental illnesses have 2-3 times the rate of diabetes compared with the general population and a 20-year reduction in life expectancy. Weight gain and metabolic sequelae (including insulin resistance, central adiposity, hypertension and dyslipidaemia) can occur rapidly soon after the initiation of antipsychotic treatment in young people experiencing a first episode psychosis (FEP).. Young people experiencing FEP are less likely to be physically active or meet key food group requirements, and are more likely to smoke and consume diets high in fat compared to the general population. Establishing healthy nutritional and physical activity patterns early in the course of illness may reduce future risk of developing diabetes and other cardiometabolic complications Aim: The Keeping the Body in Mind (KBIM) project aims to evaluate a multi-disciplinary, 12-week intervention comprising exercise physiology and dietetic consultation for FEP youth. Method: Young people (15-25 years) admitted to the Bondi Early Psychosis Program (EPP) from January 2013 were eligible for referral to KBIM. Structured exercise physiology services were provided as well as optional use of a supervised gym embedded within the EPP. Clients also received dietetic monitoring and education, based on the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (NHMRC). Outcome measures assessed at baseline and post-intervention included metabolic parameters (lipids, blood glucose, waist circumference, body mass index)), energy balance and nutritional adequacy (Dietary Questionnaire for Epidemiological Studies, Cancer Council Victoria), standardised exercise testing (sub-maximal V02, strength and endurance), physical activity participation and sleep quality. Results: As of June 2013, 14 patients (4 males; 10 females) had completed baseline assessments, with a mean age of 20.1 (SD=2.53) years. Follow-up assessments are ongoing. Conclusion: Preliminary data suggest that young people with FEP have less than ideal physical health, and that exercise physiology and dietetic interventions are feasible within the EPP.