Lab made insulin producing beta cells: Almost there — ASN Events

Lab made insulin producing beta cells: Almost there (#108)

Ed Stanley 1
  1. Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Parkville, VIC, Australia

Pluripotent human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) can be directed to differentiate into a variety of different cell lineages, including insulin producing beta cells. Because of this, pluripotent stem cells have been advanced as a platform for novel cell based therapies for the treatment of conditions where beta cells are missing or compromised, such as type 1 diabetes. To help understand the process by which insulin producing beta cells are generated, we genetically modified human embryonic stem cells such that their differentiated derivatives express GFP when the insulin gene is activated. This reporter stem cell line was used to monitor the genesis of beta cells in the laboratory and has provide a handle to isolate insulin-producing cells for further study. 

We have used to this stem cell reporter line to isolate insulin expressing cells and to characterise their gene expression profile, to analyse their function and to study there sub-cellular architecture. Flow cytometric sorting and re-culture experiments indicated that insulin marks a population of cells that give rise to mono-hormonal cells representing the three major hormone producing cell types found in the adult pancreatic islet. Nevertheless, mono-hormonal insulin producing cells generated during this process fail to release insulin following glucose stimulation, suggesting other factors are involved in regulating the functional maturation of beta cells. The generation of insulin producing cells and the possible identity of maturation factors will be discussed in the context of beta cell developmental biology and islet function.