Evaluation of Central Coast Local Health District Insulin Adjustment & Carbohydrate Counting Program — ASN Events

Evaluation of Central Coast Local Health District Insulin Adjustment & Carbohydrate Counting Program (#206)

Brett Fenton 1
  1. Central Coast Local Health District, Gosford, NSW, Australia
Background: The NH&MRC guidelines state that carbohydrate counting and insulin adjustment is evidence based, best practice management for patients with type 1 diabetes. DAFNE and other independetly developed programs have been developed and evaluated with positive outcomes. Diabetes educators and Dietitian's at Central Coast Local Health District wanted to implement a program for patients and evaluate the program to inform future developments. Aim: To evaluate patient's satisfaction, diabetes knowledge, carbohydrate counting knowledge, quality of life and clinical outcomes such as HbA1c and hypoglycaemia. Methods: Patients were asked to complete diabetes knowledge questionairres, carbohydrate counting knowledge questionnaires and the PAID scale prior to the program, immediately after the program and 6 months after the program. Clinical results were extracted from the local medical software program. Patients also completed a satisfaction questionnaire at the end of the program to inform future directions. Results: Patients achieved a significant improvement in HbA1c, diabetes knowledge and carbohydrate counting knowledge. There was no change in hypoglycaemia or quality of life. Patients indicated they liked the program in the patient satisfaction questionnaire and minor changes were suggested in terms of the length of time spent on some topics during the program. Conclusion: The results of this pilot program are positive, although the number of people involved was small. The program will continue to be offered with some minor changes to session times. The program will continue to be evaluated and results will inform program development.