Quick Access for Diabetes Clinic — ASN Events

Quick Access for Diabetes Clinic (#217)

Tracey Tellam 1 , Margaret Whillier
  1. Ipswich Diabetes Service, West Moreton Hospital and Health service , Ipswich, Qld, Australia

The Problem ;The Quick Access Clinic for Diabetes was developed in response to the following issues. The increasing prevalence of Diabetes in the local area,the high referral rates, resulting in long wait lists , extended waiting times for appointments,consequentially resulting in high fail to attend rates, staff dissatisfaction due to high fail to attend rates and clients poor state of change. 

The Evaluation; An evaluation survey of those clients who fail to attend was conducted . From the results of the survey the following issues were identified .The referral process needed to  be simplified , the patient flow , administration process and care pathway  need to be reviewed. Improve response time by providing patients with choice - a walk in /drop in clinic including after hours with no need for an appointment. This would promote and educate the client on the importance of self management and encourage General Practitioners to talk to their clients  about their diabetes and encourage them to attend the quick access clinic 

The Approach; A multidisciplinary team  developed a systematic approach to referral, access, care pathway,and packages of care for diabetes including consultations with general practitioners .The aim being a simple approach to referral and service delivery.

The Benefit; The Quick access clinic addresses the most important clinical issue at this first visit and offers care packages for subsequent visits . The first visit includes the multidisciplinary team - Diabetes educator and Dietitian. Focusing on the client and choice of access, promotion of self management, improved response time to care and standardizing referral processes for General Practitioners.

Assumptions ;The Ipswich population has an over representative of people with diabetes compared to the state  national averages and 32.60% of the  Ipswich population were in the most disadvantage quintile. Sometimes in Ipswich we have only one chance to see the client- we may never see them again, quick access may be our only chance