Pathway and progress towards preventing hypoglycaemia — ASN Events

Pathway and progress towards preventing hypoglycaemia (#48)

Tim Jones 1
  1. University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA

This presentation includes a review of Low Glucose Suspend (LGS) integrated technology with new evidence showing the reduction of hypoglycaemia with sensor augmented pump therapy using automated insulin suspension. The clinical need to prevent hypoglycaemia will be emphasised given it is considered to be a major barrier to effective glycaemic control.  Professor Jones will also discuss new Australian research on impaired hypoglycaemia awareness, as well as specific populations suitable for sensor augmented pump therapy with automated insulin suspension. Given ongoing research towards developing the closed loop ‘artificial pancreas’ system, the presentation will also  focus on the progress  to date including Predictive Low Glucose Management (PLGM) theory combined with case studies from the PiLGriM study showing PLGM therapy in action.