WHO Monitoring Framework for Non-Communicable Diseases — ASN Events

WHO Monitoring Framework for Non-Communicable Diseases (#138)

Ruth Colagiuri 1
  1. Menzies Centre for Health Policy, Sydney, NSW, Australia

The global burden of the four major non-communicable (NCDs) ie cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease has reached catastrophic proportions globally. Recognising the personal burden of NCDs, their negative implications for economic growth, their link with environmental problems, and their role in undermining poverty reduction, the United Nations (UN) member states have launched a number of global policies aimed at preventing and controlling NCDs.

The 2012 World Health Assembly unanimously adopted the first ever global target for NCDs...”to reduce preventable deaths from NCDs by 25% by the year 2025”.  This and eight other targets and  25 indicators were subsequently endorsed and together form the WHO Monitoring Framework for NCDs.

This session will provide a detailed description of the Monitoring Framework and a brief history of the global health policies and events initiated or supported by the UN and the World Health Organisation that led to its development.  This will be followed by open discussion of how the Monitoring Framework will be implemented and what this will mean to Australia.