Without data it’s just an opinion — ASN Events

Without data it’s just an opinion (#50)

Trisha Dunning 1
  1. Deakin University/Barwon Health, Geelong, VIC, Australia

National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards were introduced in 2011.  The Standards describe 10 performance criteria against which hospitals’ performance can be assessed. The Standards encompass governance issues, partnering with consumers as well as other key safety issues such as medication safety, clinical handover and preventing falls and harm from falls.  The Standards and the principles on which they are based are relevant to diabetes educators (DE), regardless of where they practice.  However, the Standards do beg the question: how will/do DEs measure their compliance with the Standards as well as other aspects of their performance?  People with diabetes are subject to a great deal of performance and behaviour-related measurement.  Less attention is given to measuring DE’s performance, behaviour and knowledge and how these factors affect the outcomes people with diabetes achieve.  The presentation will explore the principles of evaluating DEs’ clinical practice and performance in light of the Standards using examples that demonstrate the principles of best practice.