Multidisciplinary collaboration provides process-focussed education to increase GP confidence in using insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes (T2D) — ASN Events

Multidisciplinary collaboration provides process-focussed education to increase GP confidence in using insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes (T2D) (#38)

Rosemary Macro 1 , Maxine Schlaeppi 2 , Michelle Booth 3 , Peta Tauchmann 4 , Viv Allen 5 6
  1. RPM Diabetes, Rockingham, WA, Australia
  2. Maxine's Diabetes Education, Rockingham, WA
  3. Nuscape, Bathurst, NSW, Australia
  4. Private Practice, Brisbane, Qld
  5. Vivacity Health, Mosman, NSW
  6. Vivacity Health, Mosman, NSW

Background: Glycaemic targets are not being achieved in T2D due to General Practitioners’ (GPs) poor access to Credentialed Diabetes Educators (CDEs), a deficit in the practical knowledge and skills required, as well as a reluctance to use insulin to intensify treatment despite guidelines highlighting the need to do so.
Aim: To break down the common GP barriers of lack of time, perceived complexity of insulin therapy, patient reluctance and to see the benefits that a CDE can provide to them and their patients.
Method: This program was developed collaboratively by a multidisciplinary team of GPs, CDEs, an endocrinologist and an education provider. Sponsorship for the program is provided by Sanofi. The program consisted of four sessions: a plenary lecture by an endocrinologist with questions and answers; a GP case study workshop focussing on a simple approach to initiating and up-titrating insulin; a CDE-led practical workshop on reducing GP and patient barriers, the use of resources and the practical skills of self injection; a GP and CDE-led troubleshooting workshop focused on travel, sick days, diet and exercise. Meeting success was measured by comparing GPs’ assessment of their individual confidence and attitudes at the beginning and end of the meeting; and via an evaluation form.
Conclusion: Program evaluation demonstrated that through multidisciplinary collaboration to develop and present a 2-day education program which reinforced evidence-based guidelines, promoted a multidisciplinary team approach utilising CDEs and their resources and taught a simple step-by-step process for initiating and up-titrating insulin, the program increased GP participants’ confidence in using insulin therapy to achieve better glycaemic control for their patients.