ADS Clinical Poster Discussions — ASN Events
Clinical Science
2:00PM - 2:30PM
Bayside Gallery

Delegates involved in the poster discussion are required to stand by their poster on Thursday 29th August from 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM. Presentations will be in 5 minute slots – 3 minutes to summarise research and 2 minutes to answer any questions.

Complications Chairperson - Elif I Ekinci

Diabetic Foot Chairperson - Pete Lazzarini

Type 1/Young DM Chairperson - Maria Craig

Glycaemia/Validity Chairperson - Gregory Fulcher

Trials Chairperson - Neale Cohen

Treatment/Prevention Chairperson - Stephen Stranks


Screening for cirrhosis secondary to Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in a diabetes centre population using NAFLD Fibrosis Score (NFS): an externally-validated, simple, biomarker panel (#342)

2:00 PM
Kathryn H Williams

Long-term Intraindividual Variability in Albumin Excretion Rate in Patients with Type II Diabetes (#343)

2:00 PM
Amanda Leong

Hypoglycaemia and QT Prolongation: Detection by Simultaneous Holter and Continuous Glucose Monitoring (#344)

2:00 PM
Angela Lee

Relationship between 24h urinary sodium-to-potassium ratio with blood pressure and renin angiotensin aldosterone activity in people with diabetes (#345)

2:00 PM
Renata Libianto

Gender differences in cardiovascular risk factors and mortality in type 2 diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study (#346)

2:00 PM
Jocelyn Drinkwater

"People with diabetes admitted for acute heart failure have prolonged hospital stay and under-recognised diastolic dysfunction" (#347)

2:00 PM
Avinash Suryawanshi

Effects of hospital acquired conditions on length of stay for diabetic patients. (#348)

2:00 PM
Jayde E Cromarty

Queensland’s foot ulcer database:  Monitoring the characteristics and outcomes of Queensland’s foot ulcers (#349)

2:00 PM
Peter A Lazzarini

Diabetes-related foot complications as a risk factor for osteoporosis (#350)

2:00 PM
Qian Sun

Introduction of an Interdisciplinary Diabetes Foot Service and the effect on Inpatient Length of Stay. (#351)

2:00 PM
Michaela Barron

The economic impact of peripheral arterial disease on lower extremity intervention in patients with and without diabetes mellitus. (#352)

2:00 PM
Matthew Malone

Rates of admission for diabetic foot ulceration, and amputation rates, 2002-2011, in the absence of a diabetes foot team (#353)

2:00 PM
Duncan Topliss

A meta-analysis of FDG PET/CT versus MRI in diagnosing diabetic foot osteomyelitis (#354)

2:00 PM
Kevin Lee

Diabetes health-service delivery: The experiences of young adults with Type 1 diabetes. (#355)

2:00 PM
Janice Wiley

Diabetes education: the experiences of young adults with Type 1 diabetes (#356)

2:00 PM
Janice Wiley

Alcohol and hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes (#357)

2:00 PM
Sally Vindedzis

Documenting Insulin Non-adherence in Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (#358)

2:00 PM
Melanie Burkhardt

The blood glucose response to moderate-intensity exercise is reproducible in individuals with type 1 diabetes on basal subcutaneous insulin infusion (#359)

2:00 PM
Timothy W Jones

A Prospective Assessment of Time Spent by Healthcare Professionals in Managing Diabetes Patients on Insulin Pumps in Australia (#360)

2:00 PM
David O'Neal

Application of a MODY calculator in diabetic Australians: The Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II (#361)

2:00 PM
Ashley E Makepeace

The Effect of Specialist Referral on HbA1c: Data from the Australian S4S-DINGO – Diabetes Informatics Group (#362)

2:00 PM
Teresa Lam

Saxagliptin as add-on to metformin + sulfonylurea: Outcomes stratified by baseline A1C and patient characteristics (#363)

2:00 PM
Robert G Moses

Statin therapy and glycaemia in community-based patients with type 2 diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study (#364)

2:00 PM
Michelle England

Investigating clinical inertia in the management of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne (#365)

2:00 PM
Alice Hong

Pre analytical glucose loss secondary to glycolysis in the first hour after venous sampling   (#366)

2:00 PM
Huan Chan

Ultrasonographic assessment of carotid bruits detected by an electronic stethoscope in community-based patients with type 2 diabetes: The Fremantle Diabetes Study Phase II (#367)

2:00 PM
Arthur Knapp


2:00 PM
David O'Neal

Response to dapagliflozin by baseline HbA1c in head-to-head comparisons (#369)

2:00 PM
Shamik J Parikh

Combined HbA1c and weight reduction is achieved more frequently with add-on dapagliflozin than add-on glipizide in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on metformin (#370)

2:00 PM
Shamik J Parikh

Effectiveness and safety of starting insulin aspart premix therapy from different oral agents in routine clinical practice (#371)

2:00 PM
John Miller

Patients are more likely to reach A1c target at any given time during 26 weeks' treatment with liraglutide compared with both sitagliptin and exenatide (#372)

2:00 PM
Mirella Daja

Safety and efficacy of sitagliptin added to the combination of sulfonylurea and metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and inadequate glycemic control (#373)

2:00 PM
Stefan Orange

Once daily liraglutide (1.2mg) vs twice daily exenatide (10ug) in the treatment of type 2 diabetes patients: a meta-analysis. (#374)

2:00 PM
Mirella Daja

Is Bariatric Surgery Being discussed as a Treatment option in appropriate patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus? (#375)

2:00 PM
Monika Fazekas

Exenatide Therapy In An Indigenous Population with Type 2 Diabetes Aids in Substantial Weight Loss Even When The Glycaemic Response Fails: A Clinical Service Audit (#376)

2:00 PM
A Traeger

Metabolic outcomes in patients attending a Clozapine clinic (#377)

2:00 PM
Christopher Muir

High Quality Diet Associated with a Lower Risk of Type 2 Diabetes (#378)

2:00 PM
Amani Alhazmi

Total carbohydrate intake does not predict type2 diabetes risk in mid-age women from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (#379)

2:00 PM
Amani Alhazmi